How to get your kids to LOVE mountain biking

How to get your kids to LOVE mountain biking

I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few years thinking about how to get kids to fall in love with mountain biking. This is something that sparks an interest for me based on my experience biking as a kid, the time that I spend working with kids here at Kingdom Experiences, and my psychology and education majors. So I’ve compiled five tips to get your kids to LOVE mountain biking:

1. Get them on a DECENT bike that fits!

You don’t need to go buy your kid a super fancy bike, but having a decent bike simply makes it easier and much more fun to ride. Renting a bike to try out is always a great start. Additionally, try to resist buying a bike that’s just a little too big. Kids do grow quickly, and that often makes us want to buy them things that they’ll “grow into soon.” The problem is, riding a bike that’s too big can be scary and not confidence in spring because it’s difficult for children to control.

2. Get them on some INTERESTING (and level appropriate) trails!

If you are a mountain biker, you might remember the moment that you rode a real mountain bike trail and realized how fun it was. For me, the nice subtle turns on riverwood did the trick! Even getting to the bridges and downhills on Bemis can be that moment for kids when they realize how much more interesting it is than riding on the road. Be careful not to push your child onto trails that are not level appropriate, but sometimes getting onto a real mountain biking trail is just what they need to fall in love!

3. Incentivize with SNACKS!

I know I’m still a kid because of how much I share kidos excitement about snack breaks. But seriously, using a little bit of classical conditioning isn’t a bad thing! Take plenty of breaks for a “sip and a crumb” to keep energy levels up. And maybe offer a little treat at the end of the ride. When I was little, I often got to finish my ride in East Burke for a delicious creamy, and now I associate two great things!!

4. Help them learn how STRONG they are!

Mountain biking is so incredibly mental. We’ve all had those moments where we think we can’t, and then this becomes a mental block in our ability to try. Having your child demonstrate that they can is incredibly important. Sometimes you know that they can make it up a hill or over a root, and they just haven’t realized it yet. Without pressuring them too much, this might be a moment to push your child a little bit, because if they comfortably roll over that root or pedal up that hill, they’ll learn that they can, and that’s how they grow their skills, confidence and love of the sport!

5. Get them riding with FRIENDS!

I love riding with my parents, but riding with people my age is what helped me fall in love. Help your child learn that mountain biking can be a fun social activity by helping them find friends who also love biking. Our kids camps are a great way for kids to meet other kids their age who share the love of biking! Check out our three and five day camps for ages five through fourteen, as well our new overnight camp for grades 7-12!!

My passions lie in mountain biking and working with kids! Let me know how you’re helping your children fall in love with mountain biming, what challenges you’re facing, and any other questions!

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